Book An Appointment
Our dedicated online booking services ensures that you are able to get access easily and quickly to the most appropriate person.
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Variety of Appointments
We offer appointments at each of the sites in Newton Aycliffe and Shildon. All clinicians (Doctors. Nurses and Health Care Assistants) can offer booked telephone appointments. We also have an internal messaging system for you to obtain results and pass messages to any clinician.
Variety of Practitioners
All clinicians have access to your electronic medical record. Whoever you see should have access to previous consultations with another practitioner.
If you would like a chaperone present during your examination please inform the clinician.
Home Visits
If possible please try to telephone reception before 10am if you require a home visit.
A doctor or nurse may phone you back as it may be that your problem can be dealt with by telephone advice, or that it would be more appropriate to send a nurse, or indeed arrange a hospital attendance.
House visits are only available for patients who are housebound because of illness or disability.
Please remember that several patients can be seen in the practice in the time that it takes to make one home visit. There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients at the surgery.
Making or Cancelling an Appointment
You can make an appointment by phone, calling at the reception desk and On-line. When making an appointment please be prepared to give some limited information on the nature of the problem so the receptionist can advise you correctly. We may sometimes call you back to discuss the appointment further. If you cancel please do so as far ahead as you can to enable someone else to book in your slot.
Online Appointments
Appointments can now be done online along with the ability to order repeat prescriptions. You will need to visit the surgery to obtain a username and password to use this service, please ensure you bring a form of photo ID when coming to register for this service. Ask at reception for details.
For those who have obtained a username and password please follow this link: SystmOnline and log in to book or cancel your appointment.
DNA (Did Not Attend)
We have looked at the rate of “DNA’ in the practice - patients who simply fail to turn up for an appointment they have made. If you DNA you will affect someone else! Medical records are marked with an entry when patients DNA. Don’t be a DNA! Ask for a text reminder to help you remember your appointment.
SMS (Text Messaging) Service
We now offer SMS (text message) appointment reminders. We send appointment reminders to you the day before your appointment. To take advantage of this service please make sure we have your up to date mobile phone number.
You can make sure we have your latest telephone number(s) and email address by completing this form. Alternatively visit the reception desk.
Text messages are generated using a secure facility but they are transmitted over a public network onto a personal telephone and as such may not be secure. The practice will not transmit any of your personal identifiable information .
If you’d prefer not to use this service please inform a receptionist.