Private Medicals
Jubilee Medical Group does a small amount of non-NHS work when people require a medical or certification. The fees charged reflect the time, administration and expertise involved.
Passport countersigned - £20.00
Private certificate (for work) - £20.00
LGV Medical - £90.00
HGV Medical - £100.00
Taxi Medical - £65.00
Holiday Insurance Claim - £20.00
Private Medical Insurance Claim - £20.00
Hepatitis B Vaccination - £60.00 for full course including blood test
Fit to Travel Letter - £20.00
Letter to support Housing Application - £20.00
Shotgun/Firearms License certificate - £30.00
Medicals (pre-employment/others) - £60 - £85 plus investigation costs
Holiday Cancellation (simple) - £20.00
Holiday Cancellation (complex) - £30.00 - £40.00
Photo card Driving License Signature - £20.00
FSTED Health Declaration Form - £25.00
Fitness for Sport Examination - £65.00