Order your repeat Prescription online now
Online Prescriptions
Prescription requests can now be done online along with the ability to book and cancel appointments You will need to visit the surgery to obtain a username and password to use this service. Ask at reception for details.
For those who have obtained a username and password please follow this link: SystmOnline and log in to order your repeat medication.
Once logged in to SystmOnline you will view a list of medication you have been prescribed. Select the prescription you need and click the “Request Medication” button.
The prescription will be ready for collection as normal
Voicemail Service
Prescriptions can be ordered using our voicemail service, please dial 01325 328901. Please allow 48 hours, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, for your request to be processed. Please allow additional time should the medication you require not be a repeat item.
Repeat Medication and Disease Reviews
Your repeat medication needs to be reviewed from time to time by a Doctor or Nurse. Tell us if you think you are having problems or side effects. The doctor may recommend you have a review of your medication to ensure that you are still on the correct medication and that the condition you are being treated for is properly controlled. This may involve having blood or other tests arranged.
Pharmacists and nurses all take part in monitoring and reviewing medication. We also have reminders on your record to flag up if you are due any kind of check up, especially if you have a long term illness or condition. Any member of the team may be involved in contacting you by letter or phone to alert you of a review being overdue.